I will support you to find your own way, identify your goals and fulfil your potential...


  • Accredited Coach (Barefoot Coaching Ltd) International Coaching Federation Certified.

  • Business, Personal and Group Coaching.

  • Organisational Transactional Analysis professional; working towards CTA - MSc.

Most people in everyday life barely get listened to before someone else’s opinion is given or their experience of a similar situation is exchanged. Statistics suggest we only ever get listened to for the first 11 seconds of a conversation, before the other person is working out their response or waiting patiently to exchange their linked experience of what you’re describing.

Have you ever experienced that slightly disappointing feeling when you’ve reached out for support and not really been heard? The conversation switches to someone or something else? Or, have you been left with advice which doesn’t feel right for you?

I truly believe we never move forward in our situations or with our goals when it’s someone else’s idea, we only ever make those steps when we’re ready, when we’ve reached our own conclusions, when we’ve decided it’s right for us. This is often difficult to achieve when we’re not given the time or space to process options, thoughts and feelings around our opportunities and challenges. Coaching is a partnership, it can be an exploratory process or goal driven and it’s a powerful experience having time which is entirely yours to think and feel, to connect with your true self, to not be judged and to confidently work out your next steps, goals, solutions or intentions. This is where I can help…

An open and honest approach…

Embrace your Authenticity…